Corporate greed vs. the American Dream
The Statue of Liberty, an iconic symbol of the American Dream. In 2004 my hometown lost its largest employer to corporate greed. I was a young reporter for the local newspaper, The Register-Mail, when...
View ArticlePronunciations for $200!
The medical device industry is no stranger to whistleblower lawsuits. In fact, these cases are so commonplace that most of the time they don’t even make the front page. I wouldn’t go so far as to say...
View ArticleWe’ve come a long way baby!
I have had may share of personal experiences with medical technology. Some were painful, some humiliating, and some downright scary. But looking at a humorous list from ViralNova ( of...
View ArticleWe wish you a … tax repeal!
He’s making a list, checking it twice, has med-tech been naughty or nice? Right about this time last week, somewhere between the third slice of pumpkin pie and a turkey-induced coma, my mind drifted...
View ArticleIs the idea of memory transfer too sci-fi for sci-fi?
Scientists funded by the NIH BRAIN Initiative will develop tools to simultaneously watch the unique firing patterns of many neurons in hopes of classifying them based on physical characteristics and...
View ArticleBlowing smoke up your backside wasn’t always a figure of speech!
Rectal smoke was used in the 18th century to resuscitate nearly drowned victims If someone is blowing smoke up your butt today, it probably means they are feeding your ego with insincere compliments....
View ArticleIPO flurry sparks optimism for med-tech
IPOs in the United States may be lagging overall, but in med-tech we have seen a flurry of IPO activity, sparking some long overdue optimism regarding the health of the industry. Most recently, Natera,...
View ArticleMuch ado about obesity
Five years ago during Cleveland Clinic’s 2010 Medical Innovation Summit, a panel audience was asked, by a show of hands, if they considered obesity a disease. Only about half the audience raised their...
View ArticleBoston Scientific flies the W flag
It took 10 years but Boston Scientific (BSX) may have finally overcome its ill-advised 2006 Guidant acquisition. The company’s shares hit a decade high Wednesday, at one point spiking nearly 12 percent...
View ArticleWill innovation pay the price for med-tech biggering?
The urge to go on biggering and biggering and biggering has taken over the med-tech world. Barely a year after Zimmer and Biomet completed a $14 billion merger to become the second largest orthopedic...
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